Flickr Photo Review – Image by Megan Lorenz – Squirrel

Below is an image submitted by one of our flickr members, Megan Lorenz, of a Columbian Ground Squirrel.

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Notes From the Field: “Shooting these guys reminded me of playing whack-a-mole at summer fairs. I was never very good at that…I got too frustrated and didn’t have any patience. Luckily photography has taught me this skill.

This was on a trip over the summer to visit Glacier National Park in Montana. These Columbian Ground Squirrels were everywhere and while lots of people would lose interest because they were so common, I found them endearing.

It was easy to get shots of them while they were basking in the sun on a rock but when they were collecting nesting material and food for hibernation they dashed all over the place and were popping in and out of their burrows. All of a sudden the friendly approachable little squirrels were playing hard to get.

Initially I kept moving my heavy gear every few seconds to try and catch one in the act. By the time I set my tripod down though, they were gone. So I got smart and found a good spot where I’d have some color in the image and waited.

This one finally showed up and paused long enough for me to take one shot with a mouth full of dried grass. Her expression clearly indicating what she thought of me interrupting her work.

Canon 1D4, Canon 500mm f/4 IS, Canon 1.4 Extender
f/5.6 @ 1/500 sec.” — Megan Lorenz

Editor’s Review:

“Sometimes it’s nice to simply display a shot that is amusing. Going beyond my immediate smile, I see a wonderful design in the plant material being held in the mouth of this small mammal. The position of the front legs, the soft green, out of focus background with highlights of yellow also add to the overall connection to this photo.”
— Steve Freligh

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